Never forget

By mariokarter - 28/08/2009 04:41 - United Kingdom

Today, on the train on the way to my mother's house, I was playing Mario Kart with my son. He got a 'bomb' item, and yelled quite loudly, "I have a bomb!" Panic ensued. We got thrown off the train at the next stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 649
You deserved it 7 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i really really hope the last part is a lie, and instead you just got glared at, my faith in the people of this country is low enough as it is.

FlaminYawn 0

at least he didn't yell "I've got mushrooms and a bullet", or "I've got 3 shells, these guys in front of me are about to get hit"


star_blueanise 1

hahahh one of the best i read so far

Hopefully the son didnt say it threatiningly. that would have sucked. lol

Xexion 0

on this note i remind myself not to play Counterstrike with a public at all

bassguitar19 1

hahahaha kids say the darnest things

loltoyoutoo 0

Fake or not, this made me giggle . But if he was that young, that's nothing unusual . my friend still does that when we play Mario Kart . . . well she doesn't yell "I HAVE A BOMB !" but she'll be like "GOLDEN MUSHROOM !"

Okay, I can't decide if YDI or FYL so here is how ill do it! If the kid was: Dry Bones, Toad, R.O.B., or Yoshi, FYL But, if he was: Peach, Mario, Bowser, YDI!

That is the funniest comment i have ever seen

ziqi92 0

hahahaha he should have said bob-omb like hes supposed to to avoid chaos XD