Never forget

By mariokarter - 28/08/2009 04:41 - United Kingdom

Today, on the train on the way to my mother's house, I was playing Mario Kart with my son. He got a 'bomb' item, and yelled quite loudly, "I have a bomb!" Panic ensued. We got thrown off the train at the next stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 649
You deserved it 7 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i really really hope the last part is a lie, and instead you just got glared at, my faith in the people of this country is low enough as it is.

FlaminYawn 0

at least he didn't yell "I've got mushrooms and a bullet", or "I've got 3 shells, these guys in front of me are about to get hit"


triplethreat13 0

haha this is one of the few that i actually laugh at and don't care if it's true or not!

maybe he didn't have time to explain , I bet they just threw them off without an explanation give the op a break.

mina_8 0

Hahahaha, cute. :D Don't you just love kids?

thats it? im surprised there wasnt a stampede of people trying to get OFF the train.

crzygrl90218 0

HAHAHAHA atleast u weren't at an airport or on a plane

omg I feel so bad for u FYL cuz the kid didn't no any better

the guys that kicked u out were probably French... those chese eating surrender monkeys

mekeskidi_fml 0

nateopotato1, If they were chese eating surrender monkeys, they would run away instead of kicking the woman and her kid out. Englishmen would keep their calm. I guess they were probably Americans...

Rofl. One of the best posts I've ever seen... FYL