Never say easy

By Anonymous - 25/06/2009 19:22 - United States

Today, I decided to make pancakes from scratch. I poured the batter in my Perfect Pancake pan. Then I told my brother who was watching, "This is so easy. Just watch." I burned 15 pancakes, including the one I dropped on the burner, which lit on fire, causing the alarm to go off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 431
You deserved it 53 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh no! you're life sucks cuz you can't make a pancake.

iHavetoPiss 0


The_Golden_Beast 0

Jus me who finds this weird? People hardly ever buy them over here, just make them from scratch.

Just remember, if something seems to be easy then you are probably doing it wrong!

If you can't handle making pancakes, then maybe you don't belong in the kitchen. I'm no chef, but pancakes are one of the easiest things to make. And if you burn the first one, turn the heat down. How do you burn 15?

My kids. Who are 10, 13 and 16 know how to cook pancakes from scratch and I. A frying are a sad sad person op. They've been able to do it for a long time

How do you make pancakes not from scratch??? Do you buy pre mixed egg milk and flour? Do you just buy a bag of pancakes? Why would you do these things? Also don't be cocky and things will work for you.