Never say easy

By Anonymous - 25/06/2009 19:22 - United States

Today, I decided to make pancakes from scratch. I poured the batter in my Perfect Pancake pan. Then I told my brother who was watching, "This is so easy. Just watch." I burned 15 pancakes, including the one I dropped on the burner, which lit on fire, causing the alarm to go off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 431
You deserved it 53 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh no! you're life sucks cuz you can't make a pancake.

iHavetoPiss 0


No offence, but if you can't cook pancakes, you have no business in a kitchen. I don't even want to know what happened when you tried making the eggs.

AntiChrist7 0

is batter your secret ingredient?

lovelykendra5 0

trying to show off now, are we ?

ManInTheBox89 0

maybe the Perfect Pancake was malfunctioned or defected though they were using it correctly, woulda been a bad coincidence if that were so just after they said "its easy, just watch"

Lmao perfect pancake pan that's funny this ones going to my favorites

I'm sorry but messing up one pancake is something but 15 is unacceptable. You should be posting here you should be posting at

lady307 0

haha dude that is soo me....icant cook for shit!

so much for perfect pancake pan lol but yet again i can't make pancakes myself yet alone EGGS ! :(

hockeyfan_30 0