Never trust the messenger

By Teamarie - 11/08/2009 15:21 - United States

Today, as I was driving my dad home, I got a text message. My dad, who doesn't want me texting while I'm driving, decided to read the text message to me. He began to repeat a message from my boyfriend recounting the amazing sex we had the night before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 149
You deserved it 21 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ChasinParkedCars 0

"Uhhh, honey? You sure you want me to read.. Okay then. 'God damn baby you know how to treat me right. I hope we didn't make too much of a mess in your parents bed.'"

At least you didn't crash and die reading that text.


YDI!! You should have just left your phone in your purse or where ever it was, and WHY DID YOU LET HIM READ IT??!!

I hve had this happen. Multiple times. My dad high-fives me, my mom just acts awkward.

YDI for driving your dad. he can drive himself

Not always #82. I have a disabled mother whose condition is deteriorating, and although I'm only 14 now, by the time I have a car and license, my mum may not be able to drive. This could be the case for OPs dad, or he could have a broken arm/leg or something. You never know as its not specified

I effing hate it when people take my phone and sift through it without asking. I hate it even more if they look at my texts. I don't keep bad stuff on my phone or anything, but it feels like they are looking in my underwear drawer or peeking in my diary or something. Next time just keep the phone between your legs, he won't go for it there and just hit a button to silence it and read it later. Your dad is right by the way, you shouldn't text or read texts by driving. It's really dangerous and isn't worth your life or someone else's life, but that doesn't give him the right to pry.

Sex before marriage is usually wrong (it says that in the Bible a lot) but there is a passage that says that if premarital sex happens, the way to "get out of it" is to marry that person. So, maybe this person has been with her boyfriend for a few years, and it's likely they will get married soon. That's all right. If this person had been with her boyfriend for 6 months and is already ******* him, that's wrong, because they could easily break up. :) Since we really don't know the situation, we can't judge her or jump to conclusions. And don't judge her for sinning because none of you are without sin. And hopefully you don't text while driving on a regular basis! :)

monnanon 13

Yeah you could easily break up but you could jsut as easily break up after 4-5 years together AND being married. I'm sorry to have to say this but sex before marriage is only a sin if you are a follower of a religion that believes this. Even those that are do not hold on to this one as strongly as they once did because the world has changed and sex before marriage just isnt that big a deal anymore. When life was shorter and more dangerous and there was no contraception then sex before marriage was bad mostly because any child born outside of marriage used to be illigitimate meaning they would not be entitled to anything if their father was a lord or something. Sex before marriage had nothing to do with love or Gods wrath it had to do with protecting your assests and making sure you had a legitimate heir to whatever it is you had. I know a lot of people do still wait until they are married and that in some ways seems like a very nice idea but in other ways it is not.

Why do you seem like if they were only together for 6 months you'd be judging her? Also, the bible is not written record of all morality. Whether it says it's a sin or not, who cares? No one follows the bible to the letter? Seriously, it doesn't belong anywhere on FML, except maybe for some FMLs where the OP or someone is religious.

ydi for not just waitin till u stopped. r text mesages so important???

Remember: You're 20 times more likely to get in an accident while texting and driving. "People on the road can turn an LOL into a great big O-M-G" Gegory Brothers ATTN #8

Many people don't realize that text messages have a time limit. They *will* disappear if not read immediately.

letitbe56 0 They get saved in your inbox. I've gotten new texts after days without checking my phone. So even if they do delete new messages if you go for a very long time without checking, this girl could still have waited until she got home to read hers.

-.- uhh, text messages are saved in ur inbox until you delete them urself.

Ya no kidding Some Guy. Haven't ever heard of an inbox? Clearly less intelligent than Letitbe56