New face

By Anonymous - 02/11/2010 14:20 - United States

Today, I went back to work after being sick for a week. While I was gone, they hired a new manager. Trying to score bonus points, and possibly a raise, I went to shake her hand and introduce myself. Just as I was about to say, "Hello, my name is…" I sneezed right in her face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 890
You deserved it 6 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

starberries 0

Introducing yourself to the new manager gets you bonus points and a raise? I would have thought that was basic etiquette.

candy29 10

why didnt you just turn your head? you cant tell me you dont feel them coming


SaintE_fml 0

looks like your nose spoke up and didn't want to be browned

you can feel a sneeze coming, but sometimes I've had them come so fast, there is no time to process anything.

where the hell do you work that you would get a raise for introducing yourself to a coworker?

sassington10 0

its a manager. not a coworker. learn to read

Today, I went back to work after being sick for a week. While I was gone, they hired a new manager. Trying to score bonus points, and possibly a raise, I went to shake her hand and introduce myself. "Hello, my name is- ACHOO-go Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die."

TryptamineDreame 0

Well I hope you at least apologized for that. I'm sure your new manager understood it was an honest mistake, she will get over it.

You thought you'd get a raise for introducing yourself? Wow...

therighthero 0

"so Uh...about that promotion..."