New face

By Anonymous - 02/11/2010 14:20 - United States

Today, I went back to work after being sick for a week. While I was gone, they hired a new manager. Trying to score bonus points, and possibly a raise, I went to shake her hand and introduce myself. Just as I was about to say, "Hello, my name is…" I sneezed right in her face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 890
You deserved it 6 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

starberries 0

Introducing yourself to the new manager gets you bonus points and a raise? I would have thought that was basic etiquette.

candy29 10

why didnt you just turn your head? you cant tell me you dont feel them coming


iTwitch 5

totally deserved that one... you can feel a sneeze comming. there's no such thing as spitfire sneezing haha

danceoo 0

you thought you'd get a raise by introducing yourself? After taking a week off work? really?

Whoo! :D You're definitely gonna get a raise for sure! :D

iLove2LoveU 0

FYL?? don't u mean eff her life? she's the one who was sneezed on!!!

Cover your mouth you disgusting idiot. It's very simple.

She said "what?" He said "my name is-" *sneeze* She said "who?" He said "Slim Shady."

mymiles 13

At least she'll remember you