New face

By Anonymous - 02/11/2010 14:20 - United States

Today, I went back to work after being sick for a week. While I was gone, they hired a new manager. Trying to score bonus points, and possibly a raise, I went to shake her hand and introduce myself. Just as I was about to say, "Hello, my name is…" I sneezed right in her face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 890
You deserved it 6 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

starberries 0

Introducing yourself to the new manager gets you bonus points and a raise? I would have thought that was basic etiquette.

candy29 10

why didnt you just turn your head? you cant tell me you dont feel them coming


Blacksmokehick 0

a hello isnt going to get you a raise

Bit of a mental ****** ... blew a wad of thoughts right in her face, eh?

KayleeFrye 39

Oh my god, it's finally happened! Our society as a whole has become so rude, disrespectful, and hateful towards one another that people expect extra credit and "bonus points" for simple, polite behavior. Simple, polite behavior that, once upon a time and long ago, was considered commonplace and natural. Sad.

Pwnage92 0

You can actually prevent these types of things from happening... Direct your unwanted sneeze elsewhere!

wow, lol alot of people are being pretty rudee! I'm guessing not only did you NOT get that raise, you probably got demoted as well.. am I right? xD

myshoe 0

how do u message people on this

zebrapattern 6

you should have introduced yourself to her anyway, raise or not.