News to me

By Anonymous - 01/07/2009 20:35 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor for a sports physical. I've had a giant, dark birthmark on my left ribcage that I've hated most of my life. Recently I've learned to embrace it and show it off by wearing bikinis. My doctor saw it and told me it's a fungus that's been spreading on my side all my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 419
You deserved it 7 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manoverboard 0

Why didn't any other doctors notice this?

lukewarmocha 0

:( doctors should have caught it before


How could nobody have ever noticed though! & how did you not notice it growing? XD

XxxT3rr4xxX 25

Because it causes skin discoloration not a open sore or growth above the skin

devildog_angel23 0

how could you not notice that something might be wrong with it?

this is why in europe, we try to get checked every year, complete exam and stuff.

CoDandBlowjobs 8

Yeah well this is AMERICA! Bacon, guns, and trillions in debt!

... ewwwww i'm sorry, i don't mean to be offensive but thats just weird

We do that in America, too. It's different countries, not a complete different universe. OP: Birthmark or not, if it changes in size, is 2 or more different colors, has irregular borders, or is asymmetrical, you should've gotten it checked out. YDI.

don't act like they're so stupid for saying "in Europe". In Australia, most people don't go to the doctor unless they're sick. I probably went to the doctors once throughout my entire highschool career (I'm now 21) and twice while I was at university. The idea of going every year for a check-up is not as global as you might think.

That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard.

Thats not even true i just looked it up. Birth marks can look disgusting, but whats the point in being disgusted with it, its admirable that someone can learn to embrace them, and not all of them are hideous, they can be marks of beauty, which is why they are sometimes referred to as beauty marks

americayay 0

yeah, i personally think that you make up EVERYTHING you ever say about south georgia island as an excuse to type something contradictory so that you can get attention because you are a very pathetic person with no life.

ellehcor 0

It seems very likely all her comments on South Georgia Island are complete fiction as this is a remote island with no native or permanent population. It is staffed only by a small contingent of British government representatives and scientists.

kath91 0

Same here, and I am in Europe, only been to the doctor's for jabs and no other reason, never have check-ups because there's nothing wrong.

#50 and #57, read the comment I was replying to. The poster was making jabs at the OP for, MAYBE, not having yearly checkups. I was just trying to stick up for the OP and for my country because you shouldn't make assumptions based on where a person lives. It's not uncommon for people in the US to have a physical every year, actually, I think schools require that all students get a physical every year, either by their own physician, or by the school nurse. Seeing as the OP was getting a sports physical, she had to have had a physical every year she was in the sport.

NotNegativeNews 0

I agree. I've never had a physical exam ever. It's just not done, unless you have a problem to go to the doctor for. Doctors see my exposed stomach only to put a stethoscope under my shirt to check how my cough is or something, and that's about it. And he wouldn't be going 'erm, that's a fungus', because he'd be concentrating on other things.

theflamezbegin 0

Were the other doctors high or something?

southernbelle913 0

To clarify: *It's not that gross. Tinea versicolor possibly? *inkgothical... You're an idiot. It's easily possible. *the cure? Lamisil or any type of antifungal. Skin shampoos work best. *as for the growth? It's VERY slow. *pancakes-n-syrup... Also an idiot. I have never had a physical where I was asked to expose my upper body. Tinea versicolor, if that is what it is, is a fungus if the skin the causes melanocytes to either under produce or over produce melanin, which appearas as either dark or light patches. I had it for nearly 7 years before I was treated because I only had a few pale patches of skin that looked like sun spots.

I don't think I'd tell that story around, if I were you. You don't want to be known as "Fungus Woman".

"I have never had a physical where I was asked to expose my upper body." Uhm. I'm a girl and I had to expose my upper body for a short breast examination for a sports physical. My (female) friends had breast examinations as well during their physical.

I had dozens of doctors appointments as a kid where i had to expose my upper body, and that was for normal doctors appointments, not full physicals. I don't know if they still do it, but when I was a kid, doctors would use the stethoscope on children's bare backs and bare chests, it's only as I got older that they did it through clothes.

HeyThereGorgeous 0

See a dermatologist immediately, my dear.

Damn. I've got a large birthmark on my back, might get that checked. Does suck, my friend.

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

Well. That's...gross. but just think, people eat mushrooms all the time, and mushrooms are fungus. :D yay for fungus! xD but it is kinda weird that no doctor ever caught it before x_x