News to me

By Anonymous - 01/07/2009 20:35 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor for a sports physical. I've had a giant, dark birthmark on my left ribcage that I've hated most of my life. Recently I've learned to embrace it and show it off by wearing bikinis. My doctor saw it and told me it's a fungus that's been spreading on my side all my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 427
You deserved it 7 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manoverboard 0

Why didn't any other doctors notice this?

lukewarmocha 0

:( doctors should have caught it before


c3ns0r3dn4m3 0

:| That's .. attractive. how'd you get it...? :P FYL.

monkeyz0r 0

lies. this is so fake. it's creative but the idea that no one else would know this is redicilous.

evanwilliams 4

The fact that you don't know how to spell 'ridiculous' is also pretty ridiculous.

I'm hoping now there is some kind of cure, maybe you can get rid of it ^^

spiffles 0

On the bright side, now she can get rid of it?

eehizle 0

exactly, how is this an fml? she can kill it. what's the issue here?

I know this is old but what the ****? I'm just wondering how you don't see the FML. she had a fungus on her her whole life, and no previous doctors knew this! She could've gotten rid of it awhile ago but no one knew. Plus she couldn't accept her body due to it.

i completely agree. you would think she would notice it growing?

Ninja'd. Birthmarks don't get bigger. And aren't fuzzy.

nyuukou 0

Not all fungi are fuzzy. The sort that grow on skin certainly aren't; at least, not any level where you're going to be able to see and feel it unaided. Also, if it's growing as she's growing, then she probably never thought anything of it. I have an actual birthmark that got larger as I grew up, because it's a patch of discoloured skin. Discoloured skin grows at the same rate as normal skin. Thus, I wouldn't think anything of it getting larger, because it's growing at the same rate I am. So, if the fungus was growing slowly enough that it was simply keeping up with her rate of growth... yeah. Birthmark.

shirvon100 0

Aww. Good for you for having the confidence and stuff, but FYL for it being a fungus, which would eventually take over your whole body.

That happened to me, cept it was directly below my breast so it was covered up by my bra, which explains why doctors may not have noticed it