Nice day for it

By fedlife - 09/04/2009 04:14 - United States

Today, I was going running. It was an especially windy day and things were flying through the wind. Apparently, bodily fluid can also fly through the wind. Turns out, a women was barfing over a bridge and the wind caught it and it flew through the air. Right into my face and body. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 421
You deserved it 3 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

who clicked "you deserved that one"? it's clearly FYL.

Oh man that's gross. I would have went and talked to her and been like WTF.


you didn't know that barf can blow in the wind? Have you ever been to an amusement park getting ready to go on a rollercoaster, then a kid barfs before you get on? Although I do feel bad for you.

I would have gone into the first clean body of water I could find and wash myself.

ccargill61 0

thats what you get for trying to exercise

I bet u enjoyed it didn't u u horny ****

TallMist 32

Learn* some manners, creep.*