Nice guy

By sucksatlove - 25/07/2013 23:20 - United States - Sewell

Today, I finally worked up the courage to start a Facebook chat with a guy I really like. It went so well, and he even agreed to hang out sometime. Seconds after we finished our conversation, he changed his status to, "Desperate bitches really piss me off." FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 024
You deserved it 7 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he's talking about something else?

MEM0817 18

After seeing his did you change yours to "Asshole dudes really piss me off"


Next time try to date a guy who is not a complete asshole, but atleast you dodged that bullet...

Any guy who talks about women like that isn't worth your time. Your better off not even doing anything with him.

That really sucks he shouldn't have done something as dumb as that. I mean comon he spent time chatting with ya and then does that. Well that makes us honest guys look like them

A desperate girl is one that would settle for any guy. If he thinks you are desperate, that means he doesn't think very highly of himself. Unless you talk to him often (and it sounds like it was your first time), then I would assume he is talking about someone else.

MostDope11 7

Maybe it wasn't about you But you know, if the shoe fits, go ahead and wear it.

I know this type of guy.. you're probably the first girl to speak to him like that for awhile but he likes to seem popular so he'll post statuses like that too seem like so many chicks talk to him. steer clear op not worth the drama!!

N0hbody 6

Let's consider this: the timing is ridiculous...he must be a inconsiderate, probably moronic, ***** if he was throwing it at somebody else and doesn't even think that you might take it the wrong way. So, I'll assume that he's a true douche. If I were you, I'd be laughing at him. He's a chicken...I'd spam his timeline with chickens. Uh...anyways what're you saying FML for? - are you blaming yourself for not noticing his banality sooner or are you seriously listening to him? If you are then, please for the love of every single real man out there, don't. PS: Sorry. First post...'tis hard not to go overboard. ^.^