Nice neighborhood

By Frustrated - 03/01/2014 02:24 - United States - Tustin

Today, my neighbor's sons decided it would be funny to throw rocks at my house. I went outside to scold them and saw my other neighbors gathered around, watching. They didn't stop them because they thought I wasn't home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 526
You deserved it 3 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments


thatKellykid 12

You might at well throw eggs at their house cause you didn't think they would care.

tompou6 19

Even better idea for OP: don't get a gun and call the police

So...they think it's okay for their brats to throw rocks at people's homes if there's no one there? This is why kids have gone to hell in a handbasket.

JMichael 25

That's the dumbest reason not to intervene that I've ever heard of.

If they broke something call the police and get them for vandalism.

ilovemychem 22

Watermelon their house. I will give you extra points if you use a catapult.

Come out next time, with a paintball gun, shooting.

Great parenting skills...hope nothing broke...