Nice view from up here

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Sweden - Norsborg

Today, it was the first time I was going to fly first class. I ended up in the bathroom almost the whole flight with diarrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 945
You deserved it 2 401

Top comments

DalPozzo13 10

I bet that poop was the best poop you had tho. #sitting on that first class toilet!


According to the other people in first class - you were flying in no-class. Stinking up the premium cabin and all. But I hear the toilets in first class are a lot nicer! So it was not a total loss for you.

RawEndo 1

Was the bathroom first class material?

Spell diarrhoea correctly and you might not have it so often.

probably just a typo man. Besides, this is the internet. Just let it go. Let it go.

tman4318 3

they spelled diarrhea correctly you idiot

iBiteRoses 22

Oh, aren't we such a little scholar. Why don't you get over the fact that people make mistakes, not to mention they actually used the generally accepted spelling of the word in the first place. And of course, if they had better grammar the diseases would just think to themselves, "Wow, this guy's really smart! I should just infect someone else instead..." That's why you never get sick, right?

shawnaishere 14

Don't tell me you forgot to steal some of those fancy toilet rolls and you can't say that is not the best bathroom you've been in.

KiddNYC1O 20

First class bathrooms aren't really a big deal...

Unfortunately, they're the same size and smell as the others. The only difference is the pilot and copilot get first choice to ban everyone else from it by force for as long as they want to be out of the cockpit.

What were you sick with? First class is so nice. Well it is when you are in a big plane, if its a small plane then you might as well just go economy.

You probably made that first class toilet to a public looking toilet

I pity the flight attendant who had to clean up after you.