No help wanted

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Portland

Today, I saw a customer wandering around, looking confused. I went over and kindly asked if I could help him find anything. He said no, but that he'd help me find the teeth he'd knock out of my mouth if I didn't get lost. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 812
You deserved it 3 395

Top comments

cellycrunk 16

Ouch. Maybe he was trying to steal something?

i dont undetstand people like this. god what an ass


I don't imagine that your bosses would have complained if you had called the police on him.

Hahaha sorry op but that's pretty awful

Eh **** people, like that. I don't give a shit who someone thinks they are - If they took that tone with me, while I was working, I have no problem telling them to check themselves. For an asshole, like that, I would've loved to have just said, "I'd like to see you try." Customer service occupations does not make someone a slave. It means they're there to help - Not fall all over themselves for some nobody.

@ my work, my boss would screw with your mind by sitting you in a meeting and telling you that in their position, management has to look at it as both sides must share responsibility and therefore, it was all in how you spoke to the customer so you were still at fault.

wow, bieng a jerk when offered help, thats a whole new level of ass

wow... I understand not wanting help, but that's going a bit far