No help wanted

By Anonymous - 20/01/2013 18:22 - New Zealand - Hamilton

Today, after an hour of crying over a guy I like, I put on some Adele and sang along. My mom quickly took notice and came to give me advice, which was to "get over it" because he doesn't want me, and that "masturbation beats relationships hands down." Gee, thanks mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 633
You deserved it 7 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

strawberrywine22 30

If singing along to Adele is your way of grieving over your lost relationship, I'm with your mother. Maybe you should stick to boyfriends that require AA batteries.


Mums are always right when it comes to those sorts of things, especially when they are giving female advice to their daughter.

blackman100 20

Pretty damn good advice. Might want to take that to heart. (I'm being totally serious too.)

Harsh, but some wisdom there, for the moment.

I'm not sure if ************ is better than a relationship but it's atleast a close second.

She said 'crying over a guy I like'. Sounds like it's not even a lost relationship, but someone she can't have. I understand mom's point in that case.