No help wanted

By Anonymous - 20/01/2013 18:22 - New Zealand - Hamilton

Today, after an hour of crying over a guy I like, I put on some Adele and sang along. My mom quickly took notice and came to give me advice, which was to "get over it" because he doesn't want me, and that "masturbation beats relationships hands down." Gee, thanks mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 633
You deserved it 7 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

strawberrywine22 30

If singing along to Adele is your way of grieving over your lost relationship, I'm with your mother. Maybe you should stick to boyfriends that require AA batteries.


Well she's right, masturbation requires you to uh... Bring your hands down.

boojie97 12
graphicstyle7 17

Don't let your mom put her issues off on you. Ignore her. Please. : )

Not exactly... Someone posted an FML recently that he got more depressed jerking to **** bc he realized how lonely he was because of it.

davek 36

"masturbation beats relationships hands down." That's a classic, it ought to be on a T-shirt.

DollxFace 4

She's right. Take her advice.

I had to put YDI as soon as I read that you put Adele on and sang along because of a break-up. Good grief.