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By Anonymous - 26/02/2020 20:00

Today, I asked the guy I like if he wanted to go to lunch tomorrow at a local restaurant. He replied that he doesn't like their food. I think that's a no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 586
You deserved it 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

picklekgeorge 6

maybe try one more place to eat! he might just really not like their food

Maybe you shouldn't assume that right away.


Ambrily 27

What is this even supposed to mean? Who's moderating this stuff?

it's not that hard to figure out.. think about it

Ambrily 27

Yeah, but where is the FML? If someone says they don't like a restaurant's food, how is it automatically that they're rejecting whoever invites them?

picklekgeorge 6

maybe try one more place to eat! he might just really not like their food

Maybe you shouldn't assume that right away.

I'm giving it a 90% chance this is one of those times he'll look back on in like a year or 2 and realize you were into him and hate himself for missing the chance.

Don't assume this. It may be that he really just doesn't like it. Ask him wwhy he doesn,'t like it, it could be a nice topic of discussion. Maybe ask him for advice about what restaurant would be nice and then invite him. Good luck!

theangrybeaver 8

He might just be being honest about his personal taste in food! I know I love to cook at home due to the oils used commenly in restaurants will make me sick to my tummy. But there are some styles of food that I love to eat out for. Just talk with him and learn more before deciding the conclusion!

slowhandjp 16