By Rejected - 16/07/2011 13:28 - Australia
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 12/01/2023 02:00
By Omar Khalaf - 28/09/2017 01:30
By pinks - 02/09/2009 02:17 - United States
By laughxlove - 23/08/2010 04:03 - United States
By sly - 04/01/2009 03:55 - France
Just a dream
By Anonymous - 06/02/2020 01:00 - Canada - Toronto
By Anonymous - 16/12/2010 14:35 - Taiwan
People of Walmart
By FayBerry88 - 04/07/2020 08:08
No refunds
By Anonymous - 18/09/2024 23:00 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 21/06/2024 13:00 - United States - Maryland Heights
Top comments
He must get all the ladies if he's that picky with his women.
That kid mentally and emotionally just owned u. lol
I wonder if he came back and said "Now make me a sandwich bitch!" ;P
I wonder if he came back and said "Now make me a sandwich bitch!" ;P
OP got pwned.
lol I just wanted to say that and I don't care
That lil one is a bad-ass^^ ha-ha
Awe you should have ran after him and gave him a bear hug anyways and a kiss on the cheek and be like "my feelings not gone kiddo!" :)
He just did, #11. :P
awe now I want to hug him
I believe he just did that to tease OP, lol.
57, you can hug your friends, but you can't hug your friends boobs :D since you luv them so much
lol how now adays you get depressed 6 year olds. I know, let's give him more meds.
152 your probably bloated :l
Jesus didn't want you to see it
agreed! :)
sorry for being a noob but what does "comment moderated" mean?
No, 10 thumbs down buries/hides a comment. Moderated means an FML staff member removed it for violating the commenting rules.
I think it means that too many ppl "Thumbs Downed" it so it's moderated lol l think…
I can't speak for the app, but this one was moderated, not buried. :-)
sounds like the perfect boyfriend... no sex!
Nope, you can read buried responses on the app.
It sounds like this kid is autistic. My cousin started being the same way around that age. For the OP's sake, I hope his son isn't, but, if he is, at least it's not a terminal disease or something.
like yours....hidden.
Feelings gone.
I'm sure the father would like the hug his son....but what do I know?
it sounds like he's autistic :o
what do you mean bad parenting? he could have a mental condition, or just be like that I was incredibly social and outgoing as a young child now I barely go anywhere unless I get invited by it could easily go the otherway
How is that bad parenting in any way? And how does a play date solve anything? If he's anti-social, that wouldn't make him feel much better. Reread the FML.
If he is not very sociable and doesn't like physical contact he could be on the autism spectrum, play dates wont help at all with that, and it does not mean the parents are bad parents.
Or maybe he's just quiet and keeps to himself? god damn I hate it when people add a label for EVERYTHING. I was a loner kid and I hate when people put their hands all over me, so am I autistic?
no, i am not too sociable and often find physical contact uncomfortable and i'm not autistic either, it was only a suggestion don't get all wound up over it...
Haha. 75 thumbs down ;D
Just because a kid doesn't like people touching him doesn't mean he's autistic. As a kid I absolutely hated people touching me if I don't give them permission and I still hate it. I'm not on the autism spectrum and it really pisses me off when ignorant assholes assume otherwise just because I'm not your type of social.
Awww, I'm sorry OP, that's a bummer.
When I read this FML, I imagined slow music playing as he came up to his dad to hug him and then an abrubt end to the song as he said "Feeling's Gone".
With the record scratch included? xD
Of course! Haha, FYL OP, I'm sorry!:(
Please satisfy mine! I could use one, my mom and dad are never giving me sufficient bonding time :(
I like to call this "Male Bonding"
extremely creepy of you,considering your picture is old man Herbert!
I love how there's always someone saying, "... especially cause your picture is Herbert," followed by a, "No shit."
Hah your son's a troll.
Lol I don't even want to know how painful that would be
Actually it did not accord to me that OP was female. I looked up on the top-right part of my phone and it was blue. That means male.
i did not see 195's comment. I wish I could delete my comment. Thumb me down. I thumbed me down for looking like a prick. the top it has the "male" sign....who are you calling a dipshit? Just shut the **** up, you don't know what you're talking about, little boy.
1. You're 15, why are you talking about "people these days"? 2. You were the one being sensitive and uptight, calling me a dipshit. Own up to your mistakes. 3. You really need to calm down. 4. Your comments are painful to read. You're a 15 year old American, use your own damn language properly.
And this is why I hate being a teenager...and American.
^ you are the definition of HURT ^
You're a dumb **** lol
That's kinda cute actually :D

I usually don't do this, but anti-social behaviour and avoidance of physical contact can be signs of autism. Now before anyone jumps on me, I'm not making any diagnosis here. I'm only saying they are signs that something deeper MAY be going on. Ok, now you may flame the shit out of me.
Awe you should have ran after him and gave him a bear hug anyways and a kiss on the cheek and be like "my feelings not gone kiddo!" :)