Noise annoys

By cocacoola - 11/07/2011 14:24 - Iceland

Today, the couple downstairs decided they wanted to try a home birth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 770
You deserved it 4 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wait til you smell them cooking the placenta

or she may just be really loud and he's really good


OP, quit'cher bitchin and put a loud movie on or something. OR leave your apartment? I know outside can be scary, what with all the people out there doing whatever they think is right, but still...damn.

SittingInTheSky 6

OP, you are such a cockhead! some people have fears of hospitals, dickshit!!!!! ******* hell!

Birth is a beautiful thing and theres nothing wrong with it, its natural so shut the hell up whining about it

DylansMomma 9

Your comment : Having a child is a blessing I'm sure you know nothing about OP. Don't be an asshole. Many people have home births. So what you had to hear moaning and possibly even screaming. Childbirth is NOT easy. This is hardly a FML. FtheirL because you're ignorant to a beautiful thing.