
By Anonymous - 18/11/2009 01:08 - United States

Today, I was waiting at an intersection. Across from me, a car was approaching when a bunny ran out. Trying to save it, I flashed my lights and beeped at the car crazily, and the bunny turned around. The lights turned, and as I drove forward the bunny came back out and I hit it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 700
You deserved it 7 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LadyKaya 0

YDI for trying to distract a driver. Car accidents kill, you know. If he had put on his brakes suddenly, swerved, or anything because of you making him think there was a big emergency, people could have died. Although I'm not really sure what YOU got here that you deserved. The bunny didn't deserve anything... Before I get hated on... I'm not anti-saving-animals. But I am anti-putting-the-safety-of-a-rabbit-before-human-lives.

liz1908 0

Sounds like it's wabbit season to me.


The bunny was suicidal. When you signaled to him, he probably thought you were Dr Kervorkian offering him assistance.

Do you live in Calgary? Theres a dead bunny on Citadel Drive...

Rabbits are not worth more or less then a human life. But let's say this the other driver gets distracted crashes in to u bunny in between your two cars. Bye Bunny. Bye other driver. No more idiot OP either. Stay Dead... and Prosper Bunny.

adriandenee 0

maybe it was just suicidal too much childsupport or something lol

bibbster18 11

Be positive! At least the airbags didnt go off

VoodooPriestess 16

Natural selection. Some rabbits aren't meant to be saved.