Normal, right?

By jj. - 15/01/2022 11:01

Today, my 9 year-old son told me that sometimes he gets stiff “down there.” I assured him that it’s perfectly normal, but then he added that it only happens when he hears his stomach growling. Um, what? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 138
You deserved it 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

His body won't connect any of that stuff until puberty. Don't worry too much, he's fine.

That young it’s basically the body testing out the mechanisms anyway, it doesn’t have to make sense why yet. It could easily be the vibrations from his digestive system stimulating other nearby organs.


That young it’s basically the body testing out the mechanisms anyway, it doesn’t have to make sense why yet. It could easily be the vibrations from his digestive system stimulating other nearby organs.

His body won't connect any of that stuff until puberty. Don't worry too much, he's fine.

HokieJ 10

I've heard of a fear boner (check out The League) but maybe this is a burger boner!