Not now

By anonymous - 02/02/2011 05:17 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex. Right before I was about to climax, he asks, "Do you remember when you bought the homeless guy with one leg a hot dog?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 350
You deserved it 4 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well if you didn't, you certainly will now.

i once said "hey, you have to preheat the oven first" when my boyfriend wanted to skip foreplay while i needed some fun first.


dealerdon 0

I suddenly want a hotdog what u get on it for him???

Sylverstone 2

well he may be gay if he talks about wieners during sex

Maybe he loves you for your caring nature and that comes to mind during sex? Bit of a bugger about the timing though!

I think he did that because you were finishing before him... so he thought that would be a great way to not let you climax at that time.. lol..

I think he did that because you were finishing before him... so he thought that would be a great way to not let you climax at that time.. lol..

He didn't want to you come, obviously. Which makes me think you might be one of those girls that rolls over and goes back to sleep as soon as you reach an ******. Cut him a slack, he tried prolonging the intimacy.

22cute 17

you're an idiot. There's nothing intimate about that. He's not prolonging he's avoiding.

I thought that, too, #20. OP might have been reaching the destination too fast and leaving her bf back at the platform. Maybe not the best way to do that but if it worked...

For Gods sake, OP is a woman. Even if she came 'too' fast, she can always come again. And again. And again. And if she's not a woman that can come multiple times during one sex session, the sex still can continue. I also don't know a single woman who is too tired or too lasy to continue with it, especially because is it the guy who does most of the effort. If OP is always too tired or too lasy after she came, her partner can always communicate about it, without mention one-legged hobo's. Keeps the mood good. In my experiences, a girl need to reach her climax before her partner does, otherwise, there might be a chance it is doomed.

RedPillSucks 31

Exactly DjeePee . She'd probably appreciate being able to ****** more than once, but her BF spoiled that.

MaximilianMarche 0

he probably knows when u about to finish so to keep u from getting there, he threw u off wid a completely different thing. he probably wanted 2 keep going. some girls, once they're done they just throw u right off