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By Anonymous - 24/09/2023 14:00

Today, I was arguing with my fiancée, having the same argument I had with my ex wife. “Why should I get off early for the kids?”, “Why can’t you do it?” Because I’d forfeit $200 per day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 368
You deserved it 667

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserve it. Find a woman who wants to be a home wife. Get the details sorted out BEFORE you get engaged and have kids. Now, man up and take care of your kids!

Seems like you just need a more creative solution. Bus/friends/after school activities/carpool/work schedule change.


If you want to avoid your parental responsibilities, you can, nobody can actually force you to be responsible, but why the **** are you expecting people to find that reasonable just because you have a job? If you wanted to be the provider/breadwinner, your ex should have been someone that didn't want to have a job. There's plenty of women that don't want to work, it's risky...but plenty of women that would rather be at home. And then you go and pick the same type of woman AGAIN, expecting different results?

You deserve it. Find a woman who wants to be a home wife. Get the details sorted out BEFORE you get engaged and have kids. Now, man up and take care of your kids!

presumably, the kids already existed from the first marriage of he had this argument already...

The dollar sign goes before the numerals. That's the part of this story that was most interesting.

Seems like you just need a more creative solution. Bus/friends/after school activities/carpool/work schedule change.

tbh I don't get all the hate on OP. Unless she also has to cut hours and she makes more money it just makes sense for her to pick them up... work is just as much work as doing that, it's not like he's getting out of anything

You clearly need to discuss this BEFORE marriage. She obviously feels like there is an imbalance and it's not always money related. Communication OP. If you can't do it now, marriage won't fix it.