Not taking it well
By runsinthefamily - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Aurora
By runsinthefamily - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Aurora
By Ava_Darkflame - 01/01/2017 15:54 - United States - Philadelphia
By Anonymous - 20/02/2016 12:16 - United States - Chicago
By Anonymous - 11/10/2015 15:34 - United States - Lexington
By AussieG75 - 21/07/2012 04:48 - United States - Saint Augustine
By Anonymous - 06/08/2023 13:00 - United States - Grass Valley
By 404 justice not found - 21/04/2016 19:15 - United States - Whitehall
By Poopamus - 23/04/2019 14:00
By MIB - 13/07/2011 16:26 - United States
By JubileeBee - 28/09/2011 10:46 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/06/2021 00:01
Sue him for wrongful conviction.
Or just, you know, never date your neighbor's daughter?
Whelp, off to the courtroom!
I'd say defiantly sue him and the cops. Sue him for false accusation and sue the cops for false arrest.
How old are you, how old is he, and how old is his daughter? If you're closer to his age than hers, YDI. If not, FYL.
Hate to join the idiot crowd here of overly litigious people, but I would probably sue him at that point. You don't get someone hauled off to the police station on falsified claims of assault as that could go on your record and cause you to have trouble finding a job. If you don't even own, nor have you ever bought a gun, the case is open and shut. That will teach him a lesson so he doesn't pull another stunt like this on the next guy who dumps his daughter...or parks in his parking space, or whatever sets him off next.
Well at least you were only mildly inconvenienced and not murdered by the police based on a false claim. #RIPJohnCrawfordIII
Obviously you can't be indeited for that because there is no proof. While you can be questioned, just an accusation can't be probable cause or else people can be arrested with zero evidence, in which case there would be no grand jury or court system.
thank god you broke up with her though, imagine having him as a father in law!
If you don't actually own a gun and can prove it(i.e Allowing the police to search your possessions), threaten to file misconduct and also report the false call.