Not working out

By Anonymous - 25/07/2014 02:04 - Canada - Burnaby

Today, after months of job hunting, I finally got a phone interview with a company. Excited, I prepared for the interview and conducted extensive research on the company. The interview ended within a minute. They'd got the wrong person. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 244
You deserved it 3 593

Same thing different taste

Foot in mouth syndrome

By Anonymous - 05/05/2024 12:00 - United States - Seattle

Today, I had an interview for a pretty interesting job. Everything was going smoothly until I referred to their company by the wrong name, not once, but three times. They politely corrected me each time, but I could see the resentment in their eyes, especially because it was the name of their main competitor. I probably won't be getting the job, huh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 93
You deserved it 766

Top comments

CaiDog 20

At least that one minute went well? Maybe if they don't like the other guy, they'll call you up again!

correction, YOU didn't get the wrong job! joke's on them


I don't get it… not worded very well in my opinion. Translation?

That really sucks Op! You'll find the job for you.