Nutritional goodness

By homedoggieo - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was eating a croissant. After eating half of it and was about to take another bite, a spider crawled out of one of the holes of flaky deliciousness and descended down a thread of web to the table, where it scuttled away. There was a whole family of them living in there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 324
You deserved it 4 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KiwiBlu 0

That is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard.

Oh my god. Thank you for the nightmares I'm sure to have.


New crunchier recipe, now with extra protein!

Kreb 4

Oh NOOO no no no no no no no

Lucky19 0

Ugh, I wonder if TVTropes wouldn't mind another Nightmare Fuel entry. Seriously, it does sound like a really bad nightmare, although I don't doubt something like this could happen in real life. Big FML

JerryCasto 0

The average human eats 7 spiders during sleep.... the average FML'er eats over 50

how does that even happen? Did you leave it sitting out for a week before finally getting around to eating it?

AnnO263 0

Hmmmmmmmmm yummy protein :D

Where did you buy it? I'd like to know, so I'll never go there.

I have severe arachnephobia, but I LOVE how this was written. You're awesome. Sorry about that.