Oh, hi!

By Embarrassed - 07/08/2012 07:48 - Australia - Adelaide

Today, I went to visit a friend I hadn't seen in ages who lives alone out in the country. I arrived and found the front door unlocked but no one was home. I went in anyway and helped myself to some food. Then a family I had never seen before came in, and I realized it wasn't my friend's house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 794
You deserved it 35 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ImmaB3AST 7

Well, that's why you don't go into a house you aren't sure about. Then eat their food right away? That's just disrespectful. You deserve it.


kaylanicole1695 12

I don't even help myself to food in my own house, I ask my mom first...

What the?! That is rude, you do not go into a house even if it is unlocked and help yourself to food. I know better, and I am 13.

kitsune3 20

Ever stop to think of knocking, then waiting for someone to answer the door? I hope they pressed charges for breaking and entering. Maybe that way you'll learn to think before you do things.

Consider yourself lucky. Had you done this in the USA you'd have been shot and killed with baloney sandwich hanging out of your mouth.

cloudygirl5 16

That's rude evens if it's your friends house u never just go in side and stuff yourself with food! HahHa it wasnt even your friends house so that's what u get

Neongreenme 8

Who the hell just walks into someone's house and starts eating their food? I don't care how close we are you don't just walk in and certainly don't have a snack without me offering. It's called manners!

teaches them not to leave their door unlocked...