Oh no…

By Anonymous - 05/07/2013 23:34 - United States - Houston

Today, I was telling my girlfriend about how my parents are flying out to Japan today on vacation. She was shocked at how short the flight will be, because "It's on the other side of the world." We live in the USA, and it seems I'm dating a Flat Earther. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 234
You deserved it 7 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It IS on other side of the world. USA is located in Western hemisphere. Japan - in Eastern. Regardless, Japan is pretty far from USA, unless your flight starts in Alaska.

21, "JUST" across Pacific? Direct distance from California to Japan is 8600+ kilometers (surface travel). That's 1/5th of earth's circumference. Distance from hawaii to japan is 6600+ kilometers. For comparison, Diameter of OUR PLANET is 6300+ kilometers. OP's girlfriend is much smarter than he is. And you people should've studied geography at school.


But Santa is giving them a ride over the North Pole!

lb0812 18

I mean, sometimes I'll say far away places are "on the other side of the world" knowingly exaggerating. Maybe she wasn't saying it in full seriousness.

Haha I bet she makes you feel like a genius! Look at it that way ;)

WestSoy 9
perdix 29

She probably doesn't realize how fast planes fly. It's hard to believe they go up to 600 mph when they get up to cruising altitude. Whether you see planes from the ground, or are in them, it's hard to comprehend the speed. Or, she could be an idiot.

colvindj 22
myoukei 31

I was under the impression that it was a combination of distance and air currents that determined how long a flight would be. Sorry to say, but i would probably be in the same boat as your gf since i've never been on a plane and have no idea how long flights take :/

mxij 13

Interesting choice of words, since air currents determine a sailboats voyage time.

Zimmington 21

Are you implying that a geographical mistake is enough to dump someone?

If she was a flat earther wouldn't that mean they will get hurtled into space?