
By IloveMaroon5 - 07/06/2011 06:48 - United States

Today, I found out that if your boss unfriends you on Facebook, it's probably not a good sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 887
You deserved it 4 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do people add their bosses to facebook? lack of friends? Adding your boss to facebook is like digging your own grave.

So you're either fired.. Or you spend most of your time filling up their wall with pointless statuses and Farmville posts.


Why are people thumbing this down? You shouldn't be friends with your boss on Facebook. It's a SOCIAL networking site. As far as I'm concerned it's unprofessional and asking for trouble.

cryonized321 0

why would I add ur boss in ur Facebook that's stupid

BrittanyCelesteP 0

Well duh... it means they don't want to be your friend! I mean, I wouldn't friend my boss, and if they decide to be enemies... Don't use them as a reference, trust me.

HyundaiOwner7 0

YDI for being friends with your boss on fb...

Why did you even add your boss on Facebook in the first place?!

the question is why are u using Selena gomez's picture as your own? -_-

what probably did it was your profile pic of you holding a plastic red cup

sourgirl101 28

Hey ILoveMarron5, Why the "misery"? This is "just a feeling" that it's your "wake up call". It "makes me wonder," why you're thinking you want your boss to "get back in my life". Do you think they need to "give a little more" Don't worry, without you "She will be loved" by "this love". This is the "sweetest goodbye". ***Can you tell I love Marron5 too!(:

sourgirl101 28

Whoops *maroon5- hahahha I'm such a shitty speller!

I don't love maroon 5, but this was clever. High five, miss!

-How'd you know I love maroon 5? -Well you told me that you were into really horrible music, so I thought this would be perfect.

it's cool ur a fan but this was such a lame response

It's not a good thing that you own a Facebook either. everyone knows they just **** you over in the long run, because parents/family/employers look for that shit and you don't always know what people will say on your profile. Or what you will say after being shit face.

robert76 5

You know there are privacy settings on Facebook where you can set it so the only thing people not your friends can see is your profile picture....right?

My boss friend requested me. I cant say no cause its a really small business and would ask me why I didn't.