
By IloveMaroon5 - 07/06/2011 06:48 - United States

Today, I found out that if your boss unfriends you on Facebook, it's probably not a good sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 887
You deserved it 4 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do people add their bosses to facebook? lack of friends? Adding your boss to facebook is like digging your own grave.

So you're either fired.. Or you spend most of your time filling up their wall with pointless statuses and Farmville posts.


you must have done something. - - and why would you add your boss on facebook? that's just creepy. my guess is, you have pictures up of you drinking, that's a common way for people to get fired because of facebook.

don't be so discreet. for all we know the "bad" couldve been your boss dying

@35 i realize that but a lot people online are stupid and wont bother to change settings, dont know and dont care, etc. i dont mean to rip on ppl w/ FB and such but it happens.

abasio 1

Friends with your boss on Facebook? Stupid. YDI

abasio 1

So how did you learn that this is "probably" a bad thing? Did someone tell you you're probably getting fired or is your imagination playing up again?

Maybe OP noticed that his boss deleted him as a Facebook friend and the next thing he knew, he was fired from his job. The post may have been written this way to indicate that if you are deleted by your boss, it's "probably" not a good thing because in the OP's case it really wasn't. Kind of a warning to others, or a "lesson learned" sort of thing.

hi i like to add my boss on fb. k bye

scottishandrew1 0

all my employees are my friends on facebook.... I can tell if they have been out drinking the night before..... then make them do bitch work with there hang-overs lol, but I'm not the kinda person who would fire some one because of a picture on the Internet just saying : )

yeah! its not illegal to go out drinking, and if im not in the building unless agreed im n NOT representing the business, i wouldnt take that bullcrap. id sue if i got fired for something like that

first place why would u add your boss?

serenity40 6

why is your boss on your Facebook? unless you have a professional one its probably not a good idea to have your boss as a friend.

It's Facebook, who cares?? Are you that insecure that you have to analyze why someone deleted you? Adding people from work is asking for trouble