
By IloveMaroon5 - 07/06/2011 06:48 - United States

Today, I found out that if your boss unfriends you on Facebook, it's probably not a good sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 887
You deserved it 4 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do people add their bosses to facebook? lack of friends? Adding your boss to facebook is like digging your own grave.

So you're either fired.. Or you spend most of your time filling up their wall with pointless statuses and Farmville posts.


I find it funny that many of FML posts have to do with Facebook 

ydnar 5

May as well go to facebook profile edit info employers none save changes.

Paperclip13 3

you don't be friends on facebook with your boss anyways....

Friending your boss on facebook wasn't a good idea to begin with loser.

why the hell would you friend your boss in the first place??

This is part of why I don't add people from work to my Facebook friends.