Orange river splashing

By nightwalker2253 - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Orange

Today, I was floating on a river with some friends when I accidentally splashed one of their girlfriends in the face. She started crying and everyone gave me the silent treatment for the rest of the trip. We are all 26 years-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 842
You deserved it 2 503

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buy them all pacifiers at the next pit stop

Steve95401 49

These 26 year olds sound more like Middle Schoolers.


She is such a child and should grow up. It's only water.

she's the wicked witch, didn't you know? you could have killed her with water. haha. I'd have to bite my tongue if I ever saw her to keep from asking if she was melting. hehe. I'm awful

ChrisMora 16

Sounds like your friends have some personal problems...

rylcrazy 6

If she crys when a little water gets on her face I'd hate to see what happens when someone nuts on it instead

giarc804 0

What kind of "friends" are those?? Get some new ones.

How does that song go? "High school never ends! Woah-oh, woah-oh-oh-oh, Woah-oh, oh-oh, Woah-oh, oh-oh..."

That's called an attention seeker girlfriend ugh.