Orange river splashing

By nightwalker2253 - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Orange

Today, I was floating on a river with some friends when I accidentally splashed one of their girlfriends in the face. She started crying and everyone gave me the silent treatment for the rest of the trip. We are all 26 years-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 842
You deserved it 2 503

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buy them all pacifiers at the next pit stop

Steve95401 49

These 26 year olds sound more like Middle Schoolers.


I can think of alot of scenarios in which it would make sense to be angry when someone splashes you. However none of them involve already being in the water. And they're certainly not bad enough for them to act like babies.

They sound very mature. Especially the woman you obviously brutalized with a handfull of water droplets.

It goes to show you that not all grown ups are mature mentally.

rabbi1010 29

You should have started treating them like children if theyre going to act like children. Ive had to do this at work a couple of times to my coworker.

It's ridiculous how sensitive society has become.

Sounds like she needs to grow the **** up.

Who wants to go floating and not get wet? That's part of the fun!

they gave you the silent treatment so she wouldn't keep crying and sink the boat.