Orange river splashing

By nightwalker2253 - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Orange

Today, I was floating on a river with some friends when I accidentally splashed one of their girlfriends in the face. She started crying and everyone gave me the silent treatment for the rest of the trip. We are all 26 years-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 842
You deserved it 2 503

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buy them all pacifiers at the next pit stop

Steve95401 49

These 26 year olds sound more like Middle Schoolers.


PinkGlitterBunny 8

It sounds more like an FML for her boyfriend considering he's dating a 3 year old.

mds9986 24

Who goes rafting and doesn't expect to get splashed?

You should have intentionally splashed them all to wake them up from their obvious child-like responses

olpally 32

You need new friends. What a whiny little bitch she is.

Oh my god what a baby. Your friends sound immature.

I was going to I agree your life sucks, but really, they suck! :)

I think this is more of an issue with the friends than it is with the girl. I have this weird thing with water touching my face, but op said it was an accident. It should have been forgiven.

a816090 27

I agree. The girlfriend should've spoken about any water issues she had, as she was in company of friends (whether she and OP are good, I don't know). I'm sure everyone would've been accommodating or would've been more cautious of their splashing if they would've known - or she could've avoided the trip all together if it meant ruining the fun time or making OP out to be terrible in front of everyone there.

a816090 27

Sounds like she just wanted attention. Sorry that you had to have a fun moment spoiled because of the dramatics as well as coming off as the bad guy, OP. Water off a duck's back :)

Is this 26 a numeral puzzle to find out your real ages?

leogachi 15

@36 I'm not sure if it's supposed to be mutiplied or if you're supposed to divide 6 by 2.