
By Anonymous - 24/05/2014 06:08 - United States

Today, I had a spur of the moment idea to go have my nose pierced. The piercer made sure to tell me how easily the little stud could get caught or hung up. I spent all day stressing over it only to scratch my nose and rip it out. Now I have a $40 bleeding hole in my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 842
You deserved it 37 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely it can't be that hard to not scratch your face, especially when your already stressing about it.

Ouch.. Make sure that doesn't get infected OP



Better than a bleeding hole somewhere else.

cdawg69 10

next time, just go with the "flow"

I bet at some point while thinking about getting it you had the thought "what's the worst that could happen."

Depending on what kind of stud you chose, you should be able to get it back in fairly easily after you washed the piercing thoroughly with what the piercer recommend. Some say saline, others sea salt. I've ripped my nose and other body piercings out several times, and none have caused me problems if I clean it right away, and put the jewelry back in.

That is one thing I've never managed to do, a fresh pricing so usually has a bit of throbbing or tenderness and is pretty obvious at least in my opinion. I've caught mine on a towel once or twice but I would think you'd notice the fresh hole through your nose for at least the first little bit. Still ouch, pulling them does hurt.

I punched myself in the nose while sleeping when I got mine. Plus scratching is an automatic reaction to an itch. It's easy to do accidentally.

Time to go back and get it redone...or try to get the stud back in before it closes up...a ring might work better

"Today, I had a spur of the moment idea to go have my nose pierced-" YDI

Mommyof2boys 1

I did the same thing. It hurt so bad. I did mine in my sleep. :(