
By beateneggs - 02/03/2010 19:57 - United States

Today, while shopping with my mother, she handed me a frozen turkey to put in the cart, but ended up swinging it into my nuts instead. I feel like a giant battered eggplant, and I think I'm now impotent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 428
You deserved it 3 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JojoBrown520 0

giant battered eggplant? O.o

jennacide 0

Thats what you get for trying to do a womans job! jk :)


capgray 0

a battered eggplant? ya for sure..worst feeling ever. like last night i was drunk and this morning i woke up feeling like a battered eggplant..

jason2468 0

@29 it is a pretty ****** up world out there oh and op let me know when you have a cure for impotence

blitzen123 0

How bad does it hurt to get hit in the balls? I must know.

stick A fork in your ****** it might resemble what it's like being hit in the balls

ionellas 0

How do you know that? Did you ever stick a fork in your ****** after smashing your balls and compared the pains?

i_is_a_tr00l 0

Hahaaha TEETIEZ. BTW, who shops with their mom.

#29 it is a pretty messed up world if your mom is attacking your nuts. No grandkids for her!

you, sir, are an asshole. (#1) sucks to be you, op. but I doubt you're sterile, so take it like a man and hope to god I'm right.

I seriously doubt your sterile now considering it takes hundreds of pounds per sq. inch to bust a nut (thank god for MANswers)

jisaac09 25

snickers, i doubt he would need a doctor to tell him if he can/cant get it up....