
By beateneggs - 02/03/2010 19:57 - United States

Today, while shopping with my mother, she handed me a frozen turkey to put in the cart, but ended up swinging it into my nuts instead. I feel like a giant battered eggplant, and I think I'm now impotent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 428
You deserved it 3 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JojoBrown520 0

giant battered eggplant? O.o

jennacide 0

Thats what you get for trying to do a womans job! jk :)


that would be painful but im sorry impotent is not able to get an erection, sterile is unable to have kids

quikwit1212 0

Actually, impotent, I believe, just means weak sperm. You may be able to have kids, but you probably won't.

no impotent is not being able to get an erect penis, didnt health class teach you anything

quikwit1212 0

Also, Erectyle disfunction is the inability to get erections( without some trouble, at least).

TrollHunter 0


Sun_Kissed18 25

I love how there were no words in the post above me haha

it's ok you'll be able to have kids in 3 years

I got field goaled in the nuts when I was little and i can promise you that I'm still potent,so don't worry about it