
By pierced. - 25/06/2014 04:29 - United States - Reno

Today, I went to a seamstress to be fitted for my wedding dress and left with a pierced nipple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 891
You deserved it 6 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know the feeling. I went to get my nipple pierced and left with a wedding dress. Surreal.

sexyboi1985 27

Wow ! Time to surprise him on the wedding night !


look on the bright side... a few centuries ago people believed it was good luck to the couple if the seem of a weddingdress contained a drop of blood ;) good luck for your wedding and marriage

titandesu 14

well that sounds like a bargain it came with a free nipple piercing?

As Megan from drake and Josh would say, the person that pierced u is a boob

valentinov 15

hahahahhaha I should laugh at this, but it's too funny. that sucks op

-grabs boob as a simpithy pain runs through it.-