By Luna - 22/07/2012 02:30 - United States - Carmel
Same thing different taste
Hello little dude
By Anonymous - 19/05/2012 22:54 - United States
By theapplesleader - 23/12/2019 03:00 - United States - Washington
By Anonymous - 10/08/2010 16:34 - United States
Sole music
By Anonymous - 16/12/2010 20:59 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/05/2013 04:32 - United States - Sparta
By triplenipple - 10/01/2011 20:35 - Sweden
By anonymous - 03/01/2011 19:50 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/03/2012 04:50 - Canada
By inosehowthatgotthere - 10/02/2011 01:12 - United States
By pierced. - 25/06/2014 04:29 - United States - Reno
Top comments
That Sucks
Is she alright even?
Less than a day and you're fine. Otherwise you might get an infected nipple, which believe me, is not a fun tick bite to deal with.
I'm guessing it didn't take too long to notice as long as OP was doing their bi-weekly nipple checkup. What, you guys don't do that?
How long? Depends on how fat the op's nipple was! Quoting deuce bigalow, "That's a huge bitch!" Yes, I was referring to both the nipple and the tick
Good bye tic Hello limes disease
121 - Too bad her picture isn't her.
Shower, rub, dry?
That only comes from deer ticks.

#7: "Bad" is an adjective. Thus, a "bad" is not a thing that you can have.
I don't know, I think there's something to be said for good & clear grammar..
Haha, FlyingPie you're such a troll!
Are you aware Flying Pig that there are two periods at the end of your sentence? 1 would have been appropriate for a statement and 3 would have made and ellipsis, indicating more is to follow. Ha ha take that! Don't pick on grammar if you can't even get your own right.
I had it too! it sucks get checked!!
Kinky. O_o
No. Just.. no.
That takes sucking ******* to a whole new level...
Hey, the tick could've been in a place a lot worse
That tick knows the way to your heart ;)
Haha you and that tick came so close to being one happy couple.
Yes another Xmen fan!! While I'm commenting, that is a smart tick. (sorry I have no puns)
With great power comes great responsibility.
Well you see, OP has the power to use her body to attract any kind of insect towards it, however she neglected to check what insect she was feeling like that day and attracted ticks. OP is basically Magneto and Ant Man's baby. Dare I say, the Tick Magnet?
I think so too but the bs explanation the other person pulled off is quite impressive lol
So, the OP is magneTIC?
I bet that really ticked you off..!... I got nothing... I like nipples.
Oh yeah! And before I forget, you should probably get your nipples checked out....
B4 it's to late OP....
No, I'm just to lazy to type, 'Before'... Nice try though.
Regarding your name 53, no. Regarding your profile, they can't stand you either. Regarding your comment... I disliked yours as well.
53- was that really necessary??
53- I disliked your comment
You made my day 57, I was thinking along the same lines as you, albeit more of phrases like "STFU GTFO bitch!"
81-My thoughts on a nipple bath? *me gusta* there you have it.
What the he'll is a nipple bath??? Don't get me wrong it sounds intriguing.... Jk.
I volunteer to check OP's nipples out.... unless OP is male
its funny that 53 got more dislikes than 48 got likes. :D 48- i would count the dislikes as likes, if i were you. feel very accomplished.
Well, Luna is kind of a girls name...
Did someone say laid?
Maybe that's what the Tick was trying to get. I mean, he was half buried in her nipple... Pretty sure that's foreplay, lol. Right?
The correct term would be "laid", gentlemen.
Wouldn't you have felt it trying to burrow its way into such a sensitive area? My goodness! I hope it doesn't end up getting infected.
I think a tick releases a venom or whatever the word is that numbs the area as its biting somewhat like mosquito or a leach so that the blood doesn't coagulate while it is trying to ingest it. Some people can feel all of the above bites but many cannot because of this. Don't be worried it isn't just you, good luck!
Oh, I didn't know that..! Well, I know now haha ^_^

I think you should get checked out for lime disease.....
I bet that really ticked you off..!... I got nothing... I like nipples.