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Panic mode engaged

By Kit - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Swindon

Today, I told my boyfriend that I loved him. He told me he was a dinosaur. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 724
You deserved it 6 018

Top comments

Did he tell you RAWR? That means "I Love You" in dinosaur.

Sir_ND_Pity 35


Sir_ND_Pity 35
CallMeMcFeelii 13

I don't know about you, but every time I think of meteors I think of Joe Dirt. Just a mental image of him eating French fries off the big pile of frozen shit. Haha.

Did he tell you RAWR? That means "I Love You" in dinosaur.

Just think, when they have kids, the boyfriend would be referred to as "Not the Mama"!

OscarDV 8

I'm pretty sure RAWR means "I'm going to eat you!" in dinosaur.

#67 - you're wrong. It means "I love you." Only reason T-Rex say it with such anger and passion is because their arms aren't long enough to cuddle. So they be pissed. :(

tjv3 10

Well according to Rodney Carrington the reason the t-Rex was always so mad was because his arms were too short to touch his tallywacker

Actually T-rex used his tiny arms to tickle their mates. Foreplay is important people, even for T-rex.

Snip_Snap 14
tiptoppc 19

Keep that kid away from the frying pans!

I know the fml community will think that is oh so terribly quirky..but honestly if I was with someone like that, id beat them to death with a pillow filled with bars of soap.

Yeah well your name is also princess peach so that shows us your total lack of sense.

LuckBeNimble 19

75: Princess Peach is ******' awesome, you're trippin'. tear fools up at some good ol Mario Kart.

DavidsLove 9

punch him. violence solves everything.

Dawnstempest 17

Don't just punch him, punch him in the dick. That solves everything.

\ 28

Then scaphize him, behead him, put him in a wood chipper and turn him into compost.

flockz 19

then chain him in front of the tv and, with no access to the remote, make him watch the channel that shows him all the functions of the tv remote.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Jesus Christ, 33! You have to be the cruelest person I've ever heard of! I never want to cross you the wrong way..

Wouldn't wanna be your boyfriend then ._.

#33 That is the best and worst idea I have ever heard of.

Pwn17 25

So, his love for you is extinct?

But OP's boyfriend is a human being...he could never be a dinosaur.

ItsKennyBaby 9

He's seventeen years old! It's time to put away childish things!

He needs to stop being a ******* dinosaur and find a job.

My husband calls me all sorts of pet names. Dinosaur is one of them. When he does I say "rawr" cause that means I Love You. Most people think it cute.

KhrystallDaBest 15

#73 What if said job requires him to be a dinosaur? :3

Herbivorous or carnivorous? If he's the later of the two. I would leave the relationship. Just saying.

Carnivor (sp) just means he eats meat. (no peoples or dinosaurs) I like a good steak, but I wouldnt want you anyway.

perdix 29

Dump him!! And make him a Single-o-saurus!

\ 28

Or she could make like the Brontosaurus and DISAPPEAR.

They died. Dont listen to him, Op. Dont die.