
By Shan007tjuuh - 06/03/2012 08:57 - Netherlands

Today, I got up at 4:30 am, went to my job as the newspaper guy. Nobody was there to open the door, it was raining and I was freezing. I decided to wait, because I really wanted my salary. At 6 o'clock my boss opens the door and says, "Oh, it's you. Well, you're fired. We can't pay you anymore." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 355
You deserved it 2 075

Same thing different taste


hateevryone 14
Ibanez3x 5

I hope your dedication to receiving your salary reflects your work habits. If so, you'll find a better job soon enough, bro.

torianab 7

Couth and class have definitely exited our society. That was just foul. You'll find another job and an employer that appreciates you and your dedication.

Motivated and dedicated, working hard just to have his boss fire his ass... Kick his ass OP

HunterAlpha1 8

it's fine if he fires you, nothing in the law states that a business is required to continue employing personnel they can't afford, but he damn sure better pay you what he owed you, because if he doesn't you can take him to court.

dobbyisfreeeeeee 10

How could 291 people possibly find this poor guy deserving of that kind of treatment? Can't we all extend our empathy to someone in such a sadly ****** up situation?