Party hard

By vcarder - 04/10/2013 20:25 - United States - Newton

Today, I met a really nice girl at a club. One thing led to another, and she told me to meet her out front in 5 minutes. I was so drunk that I stumbled into the restroom instead, then curled up on the floor crying in despair when I realized my mistake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 979
You deserved it 43 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Yet a other reason drinking is a horrible thing that only causes ruin and wastes money

Not true, alcohol in itself has nothing to do with "ruin" and "waste of money". An occasional wine and beer (sometimes something a little harder) is nice, the problem is when these chumps do not regulate their alcohol intake and go beyond drunk.

lol did it not occur to you that you could just go outside instead?

OP, you definitely deserved it. Next time don't pump yourself too much with alcohol! And if you were so drunk as to curl up on a dirty bathroom and cry, I'm very doubtful that you would've been able to pop a hard-on.

Sorry, but if you were that drunk, you're actually not capable of giving consent and shouldn't be having sex anyway.

If you were that drunk I'd say you would have had trouble getting it up anyway. So maybe you just saved yourself the embarrassment of going through THAT when you got her home Although I'm not sure if that's worse than the embarrassment of crying on the floor of a men's room...

I wouldn't worry about it. If you were that drunk you probably wouldn't have been able to get it up anyway.

Are you sure it was alcohol what you've got wasted with it?

If you were that drunk, then how can you be sure she was genuine? And how can we be sure you're not fabricating this?