Party hard

By vcarder - 04/10/2013 20:25 - United States - Newton

Today, I met a really nice girl at a club. One thing led to another, and she told me to meet her out front in 5 minutes. I was so drunk that I stumbled into the restroom instead, then curled up on the floor crying in despair when I realized my mistake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 979
You deserved it 43 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments


grashopper8 7

Hahahaha I love you let's date. That's hilarious

Another good example of why over drinking can be bad. Sorry for your luck OP, I hope you can find your way back from the bathroom.

YDI technically but I feel bad for you :(

pistolpete31000 7
happyfingers 15

You sir... Are an idiot... YDI :P

That must have been a really funny sight for the next guy to come into the bathroom.

perdix 29

I'm crying imagining all of the substances that have been on that bar's men's room floor you are laying on!

I find people who can't handle their liquor super annoying. YDI