
By unamyous - 08/06/2012 13:26 - United States - Canoga Park

Today, my girlfriend and I were getting hot in the bedroom. Her phone rang and she stopped to have an hour long conversation with her ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 649
You deserved it 4 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Shoulda made lots of sex noises while she was talking with him.

O hell no. I would have said something to her ass about that

"said something"? more like break her ******* phone

You need to be more alpha. As soon as she picked up the phone when you were getting intimate, you should have grabbed it from her, threw her on the bed, etc...

Wow... How does she not get that that's just NEVER ok... EVER! That was very rude and kind of insensetive! You should talk to her about that. Not start a fight or anything, just let her know you were not ok with that.

He probably made it very clear he wasn't okay with it. The talking on the phone for an hour just makes me think op is exaggerating a little and his poor girlfriend couldn't figure out how to hang up on her ex politely while being death stared by her horny boyfriend.

You deserve it if you called it a convo.

reddudeover 2

**** BLOCKED!!! And by the guy who use (hopefully isn't still giving) her ****.

Llamacod 11

so you're saying that op's girlfriend is a tranny? that's totally liberal of op to be dating a tranny

reddudeover 2

82 - No I'm saying she might be cheating. But, trannies need love too. ;D