
By unamyous - 08/06/2012 13:26 - United States - Canoga Park

Today, my girlfriend and I were getting hot in the bedroom. Her phone rang and she stopped to have an hour long conversation with her ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 649
You deserved it 4 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments


MicroFuturism 1

That sounds pretty selfish...were you being selfish in the bedroom? Caring only about your own ******? Cause if that's the case....

Llamacod 11

how does that sound selfish? the bitch decided talking to her ex was more important than continuing messing around. the bitch stopped in the middle of fooling around in order to answer the phone call of her ex.

Should have gone downtown while she was on the phone. If your any good I can guarantee her conversation wouldn't have lasted that long. Never let a phone call get in the way of a good ****.

challan 19

You stole my reply! 100% agree!

Did she even apologize about the situation? Maybe something really ****** happened up and he couldn't think of anyone else to call? I'd be PISSED if my girl did that (especially since she claims to hate him) but just make sure you get the story straight before you make a decision like breaking up. Best case scenario this shows why she needs to keep you around (10x the man he was), worst case scenario she needs to go (STILL too much man for her to handle)

eman1972 4

you must have been really bad in bed, according to her.

Being bad in bed is no excuse to talk to her ex for an hour while getting it on with OP.

ditch the bitch. she needs a lesson in how to not answer for an esp when shes getting piped from her cuerent man.dirty ***** u should have bent her over an rammed your johnson right in her ass

Damn bruh that's rough you better hadda left that hoe lol

token_blackguy 18

Strengthen your pimp hand!