
By unamyous - 08/06/2012 13:26 - United States - Canoga Park

Today, my girlfriend and I were getting hot in the bedroom. Her phone rang and she stopped to have an hour long conversation with her ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 649
You deserved it 4 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments


toxicpinkcandy 10

What amazes me is that you LET her. YDI. if i were you i would've said something DURING the convo. Tsk tsk.

If it bothers you then tell your girlfriend.

lovelyspyder 7

Time to get a new girlfriend.

I bet she still likes him if you didn't get any after. Just some advice

SwaggCapone 11

if it was at your place hope you tossed her clothes out the door

In every relationship there's the jealous ex trying to ruin everything... And he's succeeding . I say find someone who wound make you their priority

Today, my boyfriend was so unappealing that I would rather talk to my ex for an hour than have sex with him. FML