
By Noname - 18/02/2009 21:55 - United States

Today, when I visited my grandmother at her nursing home, I was looking at pictures she had of all the grandkids. All were normal graduation pictures etc. but mine was a cutout where she made me skinnier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 608
You deserved it 3 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xXxRandiexXx 0

at least it's not like me my grandma doesn't have one picture of me anywhere in her house. and she's never asked for one and she has never taken a picture of me at least your grandma cares enough to have pictures of you even if she wishes you were skinny

i miss my grandmother. She passed on in dec. So she wants you to loose weight. It may be due to her wanting you to be healthy. Maybe you remind her of her childhoood self. don't assume the worst.


Caayouteepie 0

She's prolly hinting u on that u shud loose weight.

She keeps your other photos under her pillow....

My grandma literally told me I was fat when I was 8 but it's been 7 years since then and I got about a foot taller and haven't gained a single pound (88 pounds). So now she finally thinks I'm skinny & I only was on this vigorous diet to please her.

Well, they say cameras add 10 pounds. She was making you look true to life. Not an insult, lol. Im saying you're skinny :)