
By Anonymous - 20/06/2010 07:21 - United States

Today, I was at work as a musician, sitting on a piano bench. Suddenly, I found myself at eye-level with the piano, dumped on the floor by the broken bench, with my legs splayed out. I felt like I picked the wrong day to wear a skirt to work - but the audience members all disagreed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 959
You deserved it 4 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well done, OP, well done. This is why tights were invented, despite the fact that they're horrible to wear, they do at least cover you up in unfortunate incidents like this. But still, sucks all the same, I guess.

Well guess what? I'm not first! We non-firsts outnumber you firsts by so much, you should go and cower in a corner.


XxSh0wBreadxX 0

Well look at this way..they didn't find out that u have a dick=P

FMLfailure 0

well I would say quit but um the people you work with might say no

L00000000000000L 0

i can just picture it......LMFAO!!!!!

So the audience thought it WAS the right day for you to have worn a skirt? I seriously doubt it. You sound like a douchebag, OP.

jaidonsafira 0

how is that douchebagish ? She was wearing a skirt and revealed herself. So the crowd cheered happily that she was showing.

People try to find any reason to whine about an OP.

Well, not everyone looks like you, and some people probably wanted to see her naked.

Igor_g5 0
stevenJB 25

That's what I was wonderinh

XxSh0wBreadxX 0

Here's the thing..u broke the chair..idk wat every else think but it sounds like ur fat so y would everyone like it?

Perhaps it was a shoddily made bench, or the audience just enjoyed the humor of the situation, or you're just a jerk for judging people by their weight.

why doesn't this kind of stuff ever happen when I'm present?