
By Anonymous - 20/06/2010 07:21 - United States

Today, I was at work as a musician, sitting on a piano bench. Suddenly, I found myself at eye-level with the piano, dumped on the floor by the broken bench, with my legs splayed out. I felt like I picked the wrong day to wear a skirt to work - but the audience members all disagreed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 959
You deserved it 4 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well done, OP, well done. This is why tights were invented, despite the fact that they're horrible to wear, they do at least cover you up in unfortunate incidents like this. But still, sucks all the same, I guess.

Well guess what? I'm not first! We non-firsts outnumber you firsts by so much, you should go and cower in a corner.


ipwnallmen 10

I like how you worded this. but maybe youll be more popular. but yeah i feel for you. :) just laugh it off and eventually itll be in the past. :) keep you head up :)

stewpididiot 11
perdix 29

I hope you were also going commando and were nicely shaved/trimmed down there. People who are brave and strong enough to endure long, boring piano recitals deserve a nice crotch shot from time to time. While you were down there, you should have fingered yourself until you squirted -- that would ahve launched a whole new show-biz career. ;)

I speculate you've been online so long you forgot real life isn't a **** movie...

Perdix always has something arousing and ridiculous to say. I come fully prepared to read his comments :)

I appreciate your other comments, but this is just creepy..

ipwnallmen 10

awww 5 and 48 are too cute and adorable for their own good. :)

ewww Dude ur disgusting......but anyways I'm sure you'll get over it op : )

OP...did someone tamper with your piano bench?? how could a concert piano bench be so flimsy??

CovertMilitance 0